Grant Rayner
London, Ontario, Canada
Grant's Interests
Personal development; law of attraction/metaphysics; music.

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  • Grant's Blog

  • Jan 4th 2023 at 9:57 AM
    Enter Through the Narrow Gate

    13. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

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  • Jul 21st 2022 at 5:36 AM
    Perspective, Patience, Persistence

    For those who have no marketing experience
    whatsoever, it is sometimes easy to be fooled
    by some of the extravagant claims you see in
    the affiliate marketing world. You know, those
    platforms that suggest that you can retire in
    eight weeks or that you can earn thousands
    just by sending out an email.

    In the real world, it takes a bit of time to build a
    legitimate business. That means that the
    proprietor must take the time to understand
    fully her/his business and must take the time
    to engage with prospective customers, develop
    those potential relationships and build some
    trust in those prospective customers. So a little
    perspective comes in handy, especially when
    those challenges emerge that every business
    owner faces.

    Keeping things in perspective means that a little
    patience is also required. Remember that Rome
    was not built in a day. Success does not come

    That leads us to the third "P" in the title. You must
    be persistent if you are to succeed. We all make
    mistakes and those mistakes are usually our
    best teachers. But if you persist, you will learn
    from those mistakes and will, eventually,

    Email Marketing

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  • Jun 5th 2022 at 7:06 AM

    Recent studies have discovered that chronic
    pain such as back pain, Fibromyalgia, neck
    pain, and headaches are often not structurally
    caused, but occur due to psychophysiologic

    Non-structural chronic pain has over the years gone by many names – tension myoneural syndrome (TMS), mind-body syndrome, psychophysiologic disorder, psychosomatic pain, somatoform disorder, somatic symptom disorder and neuroplastic pain. Most people diagnosed with one of these conditions worry their pain is all in their head. However, studies have found that pain with no structural cause is real and occurs in the brain.

    This is nothing new. The ancients realized that
    there was a close connection between body,
    mind and spirit. Meditation has been used to
    heal the body by practitioners like Dr. Joe
    Dispenza and others.

    If you, or someone you know, suffers from
    chronic pain or any of the other conditions
    mentioned herein, here's the link to a clinic
    called Pain Psychotherapy Canada to learn more.

    Or, google Dr. Joe Dispenza to learn more
    about the fascinating healing work being
    done by him and his team.

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  • May 23rd 2022 at 5:43 AM
    Who Am I?

    The hippies in the 1970's began to ask themselves
    this question but the search for self really goes
    back to the beginning of time. People seek to
    know who they are in order to give meaning to
    their purpose here on earth.

    Teachers of truth point to the presence and
    power that dwells within each and every one of
    us. When you begin to realize that the source
    of all things can be found within, you also begin
    to realize the extent of your personal power.

    Email Marketing

    When you begin to connect with "source"
    you will begin to resonate, appreciate and
    understand the teaching
    set out in Matthew 21:22 "whatsoever ye
    shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

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  • May 15th 2022 at 6:37 AM

    This phrase gained in popularity as the freedom
    movement began to pick up momentum. The
    deep state's plan was to scare everyone into
    staying at home, staying away from one another
    and, of course, taking the poison shot. To avoid
    falling into this trap, one had to have faith
    that the immune system would protect from
    the 'sickness' that was, hour by hour, pounded
    into our brains by the mainstream media.
    The words of Psalm 91 were, and are, a great
    comfort in this regard.

    The phrase, faith over fear is applicable
    in other arena's as well, including business!
    Once you have a product or service and a good
    business plan you must move forward in faith.
    You must have faith and believe in yourself and
    in the wisdom of your plan.

    HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST - "Swift and resolute
    action leads to success; self-doubt is a prelude
    to disaster." This proverb goes back to 'Cato' by
    English essayist and poet Joseph Addison.

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  • May 8th 2022 at 4:47 AM

    Many affiliate marketing sites can be joined for
    free. It gives the site an easy entry point. But
    don't get caught in the 'free' mode for too long.
    Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    Ask anyone who owns a 'brick and mortar'
    business. They will tell you that they have rent
    or a mortgage to pay on their physical space,
    municipal taxes, insurance, utilities, supplies,
    wages, maintenance expense. In most cases,
    these expenses amount to many thousands of
    dollars on a yearly basis.

    Email Marketing

    Business owners know that you have to
    spend money if you ever hope to make
    money. This should not be forgotten by
    affiliate marketers. If you aren't investing
    some money in your business and in
    yourself on a monthly basis, then I
    would say that, well, if you think you
    are in business then you are probably
    just fooling yourself.

    My point is that, as many experienced
    marketers know, you will expand your
    reach immensely and your life will get
    a little easier if you invest in at least two
    or three good traffic sources on a
    monthly basis.

    And don't forget to invest a little in
    yourself each month. Most experts
    in personal development will tell you
    that. Learn something new that you
    can pass on to others. In this way,
    you increase the amount of value
    that you can offer to others and, as many
    already know, in that way you attract
    others to you. When people are
    attracted to you, your income will
    follow suit.
    Traffic Exchange with 1,803,000+ members

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  • Nov 1st 2021 at 6:48 PM
    Only Two Paths

    Did you know that there are really only
    two paths in life? What do I mean?
    Well, if you are the type of person who
    often thinks 'why do I never get any
    good breaks?' Well, if that's you, you
    will likely never get any good breaks in
    life. On the other hand, if you think
    thoughts such as "I'm blessed", "I'm
    prosperous" or "I live the abundant life",
    then you are likely to be blessed,
    prosperous and abundant. As the
    great American philosopher Ralph
    Waldo Emerson said "a man becomes
    what he thinks about all day long".
    Which path are you on?

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  • Oct 15th 2020 at 4:55 AM

    I believe that success in any endeavor
    can only come through focus. In other
    words, you must give your full and
    undivided attention to the task at
    hand. You must avoid distractions.
    Distractions serve only to water down
    the attention that should be devoted
    to your main goal. Focus requires
    that you devote energy and determination
    to the task on which you are focused.
    Learn to focus. You will quickly begin to
    see that the fruits of your labor begin to multiply.

    Email Marketing

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  • Jun 14th 2020 at 1:03 PM
    Are You Committed?

    In an earlier blogpost, the topic for
    discussion was commitment. You will
    not succeed in life if you are not
    committed. Commitment provides
    you with the vision you need to succeed.
    Commitment keeps you on track.
    When you are committed, the
    determination to succeed permeates
    your very soul. You have the motivation
    you need to circumvent all obstacles.
    You keep going when others would
    have quit. If you are not committed
    to a particular goal, my advice is don't
    start! If you are not committed, you
    will likely waste a lot of time and
    resources for, if you are not committed,
    the chances of your success are not
    high in my view. Accordingly, make
    the decision. Commit. If you cannot
    commit, then do not start until you are.
    Grant Rayner

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Grant's RSS Feed
Enter Through the Narrow Gate
Jan 4th 2023 at 9:57 AM
Perspective, Patience, Persistence
Jul 21st 2022 at 5:36 AM
Jun 5th 2022 at 7:06 AM
Who Am I?
May 23rd 2022 at 5:43 AM
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